3 Simple Routines to Keep You Sane this Holiday Season

The winter months can feel overwhelming with traveling, festivities, and family gatherings. It's often this time of year that we get so caught up in the hustle bustle that we run ourselves down & end up with illness. So now is the perfect time to start implementing some simple routines to help keep you sane & healthy this season!

Take a Walk After a Big Meal - Tis the season of feasting! As fun as it is to indulge in all the yumminess of the holidays, this can lead us to feeling sluggish & uncomfortable. Try eating your heaviest meal earlier in the day so you can take a short walk afterwards. This will help kick start digestion & keep you feeling light & lively!

Nightly Tea - As our days get shorter, it's the perfect time of year for snuggling up on the couch, watching your favorite holiday movie, and grabbing an evening snack. However, this late night eating can lead to digestive issues. Try brewing a nightly tea to enjoy instead! Ginger, Cinnamon, & Honey are great additions that can satisfy your sweet tooth while boosting the immune system.

Set Healthy Boundaries - You don't have to do it all! Overcommitting will run you ragged this time of year. Say yes to the activities that bring you joy and don't feel guilty for saying no! It's important to remember to give back to yourself during this season of giving. So give yourself the gift of rest & relaxation to prevent extra stress & illness this holiday season.

-Jackie Spencer

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