31 Days From Now

There are 31 days left to the year, 31 days till another year is behind us and a new one ahead of us, 31 days to kick a bad habit, adopt a new healthy one or stay exactly as we are now. Just 31 days!

This year has come and gone in a flash, and I know for certain the next 31 days will do the same. Committing to making a change is a small sacrifice, considering how quickly a month passes. So I invite you to join me for the next 31 days and see what we can accomplish together for our health, our futures, ourselves!

I've got some really good habits; I exercise, I don't smoke, I don't drink to excess, I get a good night's sleep, and I keep my mind in a happy place as much as possible. But I've also got some really terrible habits; I eat in my truck far too often, I'm addicted to chocolate (and shoes) and I've never met a baked good I haven't liked. I am sure Bruce and Ashley have a much more thorough list of my bad habits! The point is, none of us are perfect and we are always in a state of progress, learning and adapting and changing and hopefully getting better and more enlightened along the way.

They say it takes about a month to get a new habit to stick or to unstick an old one. So here's our challenge, friends. 31 days from now I will no longer (fill in the blank) and I will (fill in the blank).

Write it down, tell your friends, family, and us. Commit to yourself and let the universe do the rest. We can't wait to see what you accomplish!

So here goes, 31 days from now I will no longer eat while driving and I will eat less baked goods and sweets!

Along with the 31 days challenge, we will be incorporating a challenge pose into all of our classes, chosen by each instructor for their classes for the month. My challenge will be a 3 minute plank in each of my classes for December! There will be prizes!!!

-Sherri Krug-Summers

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